Structure Force Powers with PL/SQL Object Types
Modern SQL and especially PL/SQL is turing complete and can be used to solve every problem, but Oracle SQL Types can help greatly to do it in a much more readable way.
Modern SQL and especially PL/SQL is turing complete and can be used to solve every problem, but Oracle SQL Types can help greatly to do it in a much more readable way.
The context-feature of #utPLSQL can greatly help to organize your tests and reduce the setup/teardown time of tests.
Learn how to use them to test the Deathstar security system.
If it comes to testing updatable views, the use of nested tables from ROWTYPE records in combination with utPLSQL’s cursor comparison is invaluable.
Constants help us lazy devs in many ways, reduce the likelyness of unnoticed typos and prevent a given value from changing.
While PL/SQL supports them, it’s a bit tricky to get them into SQL.
Objects in oracle can be used to create nested table collections, which are accessible from SQL.
However, to change these objects once referenced by a table type can be very annoying unless you use the force.
#100CodeExamples: Cursor-comparison is one of the most powerful features of utPLSQL.
To model our expectation, we can not only use SELECT FROM DUAL but also the much more powerful user-defined types and Nested Table-collections.
#100CodeExamples – Implement some different force-sensitive beings with PL/SQL objects.
This is the first of several examples showing the object-oriented capabilities of PL/SQL.
#100CodeExamples – PL/SQL BOOLEAN to INT
For Oracle doesn’t know a BOOLEAN SQL-Type, we must find a smooth way to convert PL/SQL-BOOLEAN to INT
#100CodeExamples – How to put dynamic values in a String with #PLSQL.
One possibility: the sys-package UTL_LMS
Why I didn’t blog for several weeks: Open Source engagement for @utPLSQL.