Agile development, refactoring, automated self-testing, and continuous integration/deployment have changed the way application development is done during the past years (or already decades).

Unfortunately, I see large parts of the database development community stuck behind those changes – and I think there lies a lot of chances for improvement.

Challenging myself to improve my database development I will write down my experiences and try to share what I learned – forever free for anyone interested (except nazis and white supremacists as well as their enablers and supporters – you can fuck off right now)

Join me on my journey!


My name is Samuel “Pesse” Nitsche, I am a husband, father of two amazing kids, and a curiosity-driven software developer.

I started programming around 2002 when I still went to school and completed an apprenticeship as “Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung” a bit later.

I love coding in object-oriented programming languages like Java, but my day-job makes me focus mainly on SQL, PL/SQL and TSQL, but also JavaScript for a couple of years now.

As Open Source contributor I take care of the java-API and CLI of the great utPLSQL unit-testing framework for PL/SQL since autumn 2017.

Since 2019 I’m also an Oracle ACE (which is an award for community activity and sharing knowledge) and listed in the directory of Oracle Groundbreakers.

Since 2019 I’m a licensed trainee’s trainer and am currently refining my knowledge and explanatory skills with the help of two trainees.

I speak at conferences and local meetups, mainly about automated self-testing, database development, and code quality.

If you’re interested to have me for your meetup, just reach out.

#CauseAScene Guiding Principles

Tech is not neutral nor apolitical, and I am including this truth in my daily life as a person and especially as a developer for a while now.

It’s the first of the #CauseAScene Guiding Principles (by Kim Crayton) which I adopted in my journey to learn about harm reduction and being anti-racist.

Since I met Kim online, a lot of beliefs I held changed and I notice a lot of things I was absolutely ignorant about before.

I also wrote about that here and here.

So, here are the 4 #CauseAScene Guiding Principles:

  1. Tech is Not Neutral, Nor is it Apolitical
  2. Intention without Strategy is Chaos
  3. Lack of Inclusion is a Risk/Crisis Management Issue
    …and lastly and most importantly
  4. Prioritize the Most Vulnerable