Improving Tech with Compassionate Coding

There is a lot of suffering in tech and we can witness it on several levels every day – from flaws in our little tech helpers to the usage of derogative language towards others and ourselves.

Learn about a new movement in software development called Compassionate Coding and how you can use this human-centered, agile development approach to improve the quality of your own life and the life of people around you, to create better products and software and make them serve the people.

Updating a Table with the Values of a Different One

I am working professionally with databases for over 15 years now and have a huge focus on Oracle – but I really keep forgetting how to update a table with values of a different one (this is one thing which is so much easier in SQL Server by the way).

Therefore let’s assume we have a table containing planets and one containing garrisons which are on these planets.

Garrison IDPlanet NamePlanet Faction
3Dromund Kaasimperium

We would now like to have a new column in the garrisons table which can contain a name.

alter table garrisons add name varchar2(300)

The imperial side now has a request to update all their garrisons with a name according to this schema: <PlanetName> (<Garrison ID>)
