We already looked at utPLSQL’s cursor comparison with user-defined types. If we have to deal with updatable views, we can use an even simpler approach and create nested table collections from %ROWTYPEs.

The scenario is similar to the previous one: we have a number of planets with or without garrisons. Now we want to be able to update the view with a garrison-ID which then automatically creates a new garrison-entry.

/* Setup base data objects */
create table planets (
  id integer primary key,
  name varchar(256)

create table garrisons (
  id integer primary key,
  fk_planet integer not null,
  constraint garrisons_fk_planet foreign key ( fk_planet )
    references planets( id )

/* This is the view we want to test, a list of all
   planets and their garrisons (if they have some) */
create or replace view v_planet_garrisons as
  p.id planet_id,
  p.name planet_name,
  count(g.id) over (partition by p.id) planet_num_of_garrisons,
  g.id garrison_id
from planets p
  left outer join garrisons g on p.id = g.fk_planet

/* Lets first create our test */
create or replace package ut_garrisons as
  -- %suite(Garrisons)

  -- %test(Update V_PLANET_GARRISONS: Add garrison to a planet without assigned garrisons)
  procedure update_view_set_garrison;

  /* We can define a nested table of a %ROWTYPE */
  type t_v_planet_garrisons is
    table of v_planet_garrisons%rowtype;

create or replace package body ut_garrisons as

  /* Helper-Function to get a cursor of the view
     by Planet-ID */
  function cursor_v_garrisons( i_id simple_integer)
    return sys_refcursor
    c_result sys_refcursor;
      open c_result for
        select *
          from v_planet_garrisons
          where planet_id = i_id;
      return c_result;

  /* Helper-Function to get a cursor from a given
  function cursor_from_row(
    i_row v_planet_garrisons%rowtype
  ) return sys_refcursor
    /* We first need an initialized collection */
    l_table t_v_planet_garrisons := t_v_planet_garrisons();
    c_result sys_refcursor;
      /* We can then put our given row inside
         that collection */
      l_table(1) := i_row;
      /* And then create a cursor on it */
      open c_result for
        select * from table(l_table);
      return c_result;

  procedure update_view_set_garrison
    l_expected_row v_planet_garrisons%rowtype;
      -- Arrange
      insert into planets values (-1, 'Dromund Kaas');

      /* We store the current row-value in
         a variable we can manipulate */
      select * into l_expected_row
        from v_planet_garrisons
        where planet_id = -1;

      -- Act: Update the view, setting a garrison-ID
      update v_planet_garrisons
        /* In a realistic scenario garrison_id
           could be populated by a sequence */
        set garrison_id = -2
        where planet_id = -1;

      -- Assert
      /* We now define how our expected row should
         look like */
      l_expected_row.garrison_id := -2;
      l_expected_row.planet_num_of_garrisons := 1;



/* It fails because of a missing trigger */
call ut.run('ut_garrisons');

/* which we can easily add */
create or replace trigger trg_save_planet_garrisons
  instead of update or insert or delete on v_planet_garrisons
  for each row
      if ( updating ) then
        if ( :old.garrison_id is null
             and :new.garrison_id is not null )
          insert into garrisons (id, fk_planet)
            values ( :new.garrison_id, :new.planet_id);
        end if;
      end if;

/* It doesnt fail anymore */
call ut.run('ut_garrisons');

Unfortunately, utPLSQL is still not running in LiveSQL, but you can get the whole example as always from my GitHub repository.

Why I learned this

For updatable views are a major part of the public API at my work, I have to deal a lot with them. Having an easy way to compare single rows of a view with an expected outcome is a great enhancement.


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